MOVEMENT Improving the Human Aspect of Mobility
CLIENT: d.talks (Design Talks Institute)
Using Calgary's Green Line Light Rail Transit (LRT) as a platform for new ideas, this project sought to rethink the present and future of transportation and human connection to place. The Movement book published the winning d.talks' 2018 Movement Call for Ideas in the categories of: Technology, Climate Sustainability, Memory, Public Is Everyone, Resilience, Tactical and Provocative. Symbols were designed to represent each category and then placed with correlating ideas and essays.
Calgary, AB
Poster Design
Social Media Graphics
Exhibition Wall & Window Display Vinyl Text
Book Design (Cover Art + Interior Layout 64 pages + type-based Artwork + Symbol Design + Pattern Design + Map Design)
Concept Design: Talks Institute in partnership with the City of Calgary
Project Team: amery Calvelli, Ximena Gonzalez, Kaitlynn Livingstone & Amanda Szpecht
Editorial Support: Alison McReynolds & Emily CarganEssays by Giovanna Borasi, Amanda Kolson Hurley, Marianna Vaidman Stone, Nabeel Ramji, Erin Shilliday, Carol Armes + Don MulliganIdea
Images contributed by Tawab Hlimi, Studio Bianchi Architettura, Juliana Morar & Celia Lee; Laboratory of Integrative Design, Lemay + Toker, Kaitlyn Pelletier & Scott Bell; Sarah Danahy and Bram van der Heijden
Jury: Giovanna Borasi, Amanda Kolson Hurley, Don Mulligan, Nabeel Ramji, Brigitte Shim, Cowboy Smithx, Shin-pei Tsay & Marianna Vaidman Stone
Photos: © Jesus Martin Ruiz + © Ximena Gonzale
Type: FF Meta Serif + FF Meta Sans from FontFont + Base 900 from Emigre
Movement Exhibition Installation designed and coordinated by Jayda Karsten
The Movement Exhibition was made possible with the support of the Alberta Government, the City of Calgary, the School of Architecture Planning and Landscape at the University of Calgary and the Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Movement Book Printed & Bound by MET Fine Printers, Calgary, AB
Posters printed by Little Rock Printing, Calgary, AB
Movement Exhibition vinyl cutting by the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape at the University of Calgary